Shuttle cock

A Shuttlecock shall have 16 feathers fixed in a cork base covered in kid leather. Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made from feathers from the left wing of a goose.

The feathers shall be measured from the tip to the top of the base and each shuttle shall be of the same length. This length can be between 62mm and 70mm. The shuttle shall weigh between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.

Shuttles are usually graded according to speed. If you have reached a certain level and can hit from baseline to baseline, use standard speed shuttlecocks. If your strength is not there yet, you can use shuttlecocks of a slightly faster speed.

You will enjoy the game more if you can send the shuttles to the baseline.

The speed at which the shuttle travels is also affected by the weather, altitude and temperature. When it’s hot, the shuttle will fly faster. When it’s cold, the shuttle will move slower. If you are playing in an air-conditioned hall, use a slightly faster shuttle. If you’re playing at high altitude, use a slower speed shuttle.

To test the speed of a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttle over the back boundary line. You shall hit the shuttle at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines.

A shuttle of correct speed will land not less than 530 mm and not more than 990mm short of the Badminton Court back boundary line as in the diagram .

If you find the shuttle is too fast or too slow but you don’t have shuttles of different speed, you can try tipping the shuttlecock. Tipping the feathers of the shuttles outward will slow it down. Tipping the feathers of the shuttles inward will speed it up.

This method will only succeed through trial and error.

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